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Indesit Refrigerator Upper Left/Lower Right Door Hinge C00144878

Indesit Refrigerator Upper Left/Lower Right Door Hinge C00144878


Regular price $54.07 USD
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Indesit Refrigerator Upper Left/Lower Right Door Hinge C00144878. Genuine Indesit door hinge.

Compatible Brand : Candy, Hoover, Ardo, Hotpoint, Whirlpool, Ariston, Hotpoint-Ariston, Indesit, Smeg

Manufacturer : Indesit

Manufacturer for customs : Indesit

Brands for customs : Indesit

Models, Types, Codes

Suits to types:
CC46109, CC46110, CCBL11, CCBZ21, CCR230L, CCR230Z, CCRFE14011NW, F006566( 869990065660), F006567( 869990065670), F006573( 869990065730), F007389( 869990073890), F007411( 869990074110), F007438( 869990074380), F007439( 869990074390), F007440, F007677( 869990076770), F007678( 869990076780), F007679( 869990076790), F007686( 869990076860), F007687( 869990076870), F007688( 869990076880), F008040( 869990080400), F008041( 869990080410), F008290( 869990082900), F008291( 869990082910), F010823( 869990108230), F010826( 869990108260), F012069( 869990120690), F012070( 869990120700), F012071( 869990120710), F012072, F012230( 869990122300), F012231( 869990122310), F012232( 869990122320), F012233( 869990122330), F012234( 869990122340), F012235( 869990122350), F012236( 869990122360), F013118( 869990131180), F013119( 869990131190), F013120( 869990131200), F013131( 869990131310), F013132( 869990131320), F013133, F014604( 869990146040), F014605( 869990146050), F014606( 869990146060), F017673( 869990176730), F021598( 869990215980), F021599( 869990215990), F021600( 869990216000), F021604( 869990216040), F025408( 869990254080), F025409( 869990254090), F025422( 869990254220), F026850(859990268500 869990268500), F026885(859990268850 869990268850), F026886( 869990268860), F027021( 869990270210), F027029( 869990270290), F027030( 869990270300), F027031(859990270310 869990270310), F027048( 869990270480), F027398( 869990273980), F027399( 869990273990), F027402( 869990274020), F027444( 869990274440), F027755(859990277550 869990277550), F028014( 869990280140), F028164( 869990281640), F028213(859990282130 869990282130), F028216, F029142, F029143( 869990291430), F033251( 869990332510), F033509( 869990335090), F033532( 869990335320), F033630( 869990336300), F045649( 869990456490), F045673( 869990456730), F045692( 869990456920), F045693( 869990456930), F045694( 869990456940), F045695( 869990456950), F048568( 869990485680), F048593( 869990485930), F048604( 869990486040), F048607( 869990486070), F048822(859990488220 869990488220), F054935( 869990549350), F063192( 869990631920), F063193( 869990631930), F064874(859990648740 869990648740), F064875(859990648750 869990648750), F064876( 869990648760), F064884(859990648840 869990648840), F064885(859990648850 869990648850), F065057( 869990650570), F067052( 869990670520), F067748( 869990677480), F067749( 869990677490), F068321(859990683210 869990683210), F069571(859990695710 869990695710), F069572(859990695720 869990695720), F077265(850370601500), F077266(850370701500), F077454( 869990774540), F077790(859990777900 869990777900), F077791( 869990777910), F077793(850370801500), F077815(859990778150 869990778150), F078381(850370901500), F083824(859990838240 869990838240), F083834(850785101500), F085524(859990855240 869990855240), F085526(859990855260 869990855260)

Suits to models:
46109, 46110, A20711SYST, A20721SYST, BFS121I, BFS121IHA, BFS121UK, BFS1221, BFS1222, BFS12221, BFS1222AR, BL11, BL30, BSZ882147, BTS1610I, BTS1610IUK, BTS1611, BTS1611S, BTS1614, BTS1614I, BTS1614UK, BTS1620EU, BTS1620EUHA, BTS1620HA, BTS1620IEU, BTS1621CN, BTS1621EUHA, BTS1621HA, BTS1622HA, BTS1624AI, BTS1624AIEU, BTSZ1620I, BTSZ1620IHA, BTSZ1631HA, BTSZ1632HA, BZ21, BZ30, CSP16450SCHOLT, CSP1648LI, CSP1648LSCHOLT, CUL16G, CUZ12G, FR150AI, FR150B, FR150SE1, FR150SESMEG, FR150WEWW, FR155SE1, FR155SESMEG, FR155WE1, FR155WEWW, FR158A, FR158B, FR158SE1, FR158SESMEG, GS164IUK, GSE160IINDESIT, GSE160IINDESITUK, GSF120IINDESITUK, GSF120INDESIT, GSU160INDESIT, GSU164I, INFS120I, INFS1211, INFS1211UK, INFS1212UK, INFS1212UK1, INSE160G, INSF120G, INSU160G, INTS1610, INTS1610UK, INTS1611, INTS1611UK, INTS1612, INTS1612UK, INTSZ1610, INTSZ1610UK, INTSZ1611, INTSZ1611UK, INTSZ1612, INTSZ1612UK, OSKVE1600, OSKVE1600I, OSKVE160IL1, OSKVE160L, OSKVF120, OSKVF1200, OSKVF120I, OSKVG1600, OSKVG1600I, OSKVG160IL1, OSKVG160L, OSKVU1600, OSKVU160L, OSKVU160LSX, QTS1612UK, R230L, R230Z, RFE14009NWORLD, RFE14010NWORLD, RFE14011NW, RFE14011NWORLD, RMS160I, RSP16050SCHOLT, RSP1608LI, RSP1608LSCHOLT, RSP1618LSCHOLT, RSP16350SCHOLT, RSP1638LI, RSP1638LSCHOLT, RUS12, TINFS1212KUK1, VR120A, VR120B, VR120NE

Suits to codes:
47065660000, 47065670000, 47065730000, 47065730100, 47073890000, 47074110000, 47074380000, 47074390000, 47074400000, 47074400100, 47076770000, 47076780000, 47076780001, 47076790000, 47076790001, 47076860000, 47076870000, 47076880000, 47076880100, 47076880101, 47080400000, 47080410000, 47080410100, 47082900000, 47082900001, 47082910000, 47082910001, 47108230000, 47108230001, 47108260000, 47108260100, 47120690000, 47120690001, 47120700000, 47120700001, 47120710000, 47120710001, 47120720000, 47120720001, 47122300000, 47122300001, 47122310000, 47122310001, 47122320000, 47122320001, 47122330000, 47122330001, 47122330100, 47122340000, 47122340001, 47122350000, 47122350001, 47122360000, 47122360001, 47131180000, 47131190000, 47131200000, 47131200100, 47131310000, 47131320000, 47131330000, 47146040000, 47146040001, 47146040101, 47146040102, 47146040203, 47146050000, 47146050001, 47146060000, 47146060001, 47176730000, 47215980000, 47215980100, 47215990000, 47215990100, 47216000000, 47216000100, 47216040000, 47216040100, 47254080000, 47254080001, 47254080101, 47254080102, 47254090000, 47254090001, 47254090002, 47254090003, 47254090103, 47254090104, 47254090204, 47254220000, 47254220001, 47254220002, 47254220003, 47254220102, 47254220202, 47254220203, 47268500000, 47268500101, 47268500102, 47268500103, 47268500203, 47268500204, 47268850000, 47268850100, 47268850101, 47268850200, 47268850300, 47268850301, 47268860000, 47268860100, 47268860101, 47268860201, 47268860301, 47268860302, 47270210000, 47270210100, 47270210200, 47270210201, 47270210300, 47270210301, 47270290000, 47270300000, 47270300100, 47270300101, 47270300201, 47270300202, 47270310000, 47270310001, 47270310101, 47270310102, 47270480000, 47270480001, 47270480002, 47270480003, 47270480103, 47270480104, 47273980000, 47273990000, 47274020000, 47274440000, 47277550000, 47277550100, 47277550101, 47277550201, 47277550202, 47280140000, 47280140001, 47280140101, 47280140201, 47280140202, 47281640000, 47281640100, 47281640101, 47281640201, 47281640301, 47281640302, 47282130000, 47282130001, 47282130101, 47282160000, 47291420000, 47291420100, 47291430000, 47332510000, 47332510001, 47332510101, 47332510102, 47336300000, 47336300001, 47456490100, 47456730100, 47456920100, 47456930100, 47456930200, 47456940100, 47456950100, 47456950200, 47485680000, 47485930000, 47485930100, 47486040000, 47486040100, 47486040200, 47486040300, 47486040400, 47486070000, 47486070100, 47488220000, 47488220100, 47549350000, 47631920000, 47631920100, 47631930000, 47631930100, 47648740100, 47648740101, 47648750100, 47648760100, 47648760101, 47648840100, 47648840101, 47648840102, 47648850100, 47648850101, 47650570100, 47670520100, 47677480100, 47677490100, 47683210100, 47683210201, 47695710100, 47695710200, 47695720100, 47772650100, 47772650101, 47772660100, 47772660200, 47772660201, 47774540100, 47774540101, 47777900100, 47777900101, 47777910100, 47777910101, 47777930100, 47777930101, 47777930201, 47778150100, 47778150101, 47783810100, 47783810101, 47838240100, 47838340100, 47838340200, 47855240100, 47855260100, AQ335090000, AQ335320000, DUM1118532, DUM1118552, DUM1118553, DUM1118581, DUM1121729, DUM1121994, DUM1125937

Has analogue:

651000284 Ardo Refrigerator Upper Left/Lower Right Door Hinge 651000284


Models: IFR12SA, IMP16SA, SC120-2H, SF150PL, SL160PL

49000996 Candy Refrigerator Upper Left/Lower Right Door Hinge 49000996


Models: CFU1301, CFU1301K, COCFU130, COCFU130K, CORBFP130, CRU160, CRU160K, CRU163, CRU163SN, CRU164A, CRU164AK, CRU164ASIN, FRCRU161, FRCRU161SN, HBFU130K, HBRU160AK, HBRU164AK, RBFP1301, RBP150, RBPA154

If you can't find your model in our Store list - write us an email letter with full Model Number, Type or Ref of item You are interesting in we offer You best service and price! Our online store sells spare parts and accessories for small and large household appliances for such brands like Electrolux, Braun, Zanussi, Samsung, LG, Philips, Gorenje, Thomas, Miele, Whirlpool, Ariston, Indesit and many other famous brands of household appliances! We have over 15,000 items on stock that can be sold both retail and wholesale. We can offer best service to any country of the world! If You need to know something more than shown in my store just ask!!! Looking for a long time cooperation!

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